Ofcom code of practice
Pulse8 is owned and operated by Compucare Computer Servicing Ltd whose registered office is at 4 St. Bartholomew’s Road, Ogwell, Devon. TQ12 6GP who subscribe to the Office of Communications (Ofcom) Consumer Code of Practice. This ensures we are clear about our range of internet services and have a full and fair policy for dealing with any problems you may have. Visit http://www.ofcom.org.uk/ for more information.
Visit http://www.pulse8.co.uk or call 0800 0428888 if you would like to contact us or find out more about our range of internet services.
Pulse8’s Consumer Code of Practice and Dispute Resolution Procedure
Pulse8 is a provider of internet services. We enable customers (“you”) to access the worldwide web and provides email address and mailbox facilities. Access to the worldwide web may be by way of dial-up or broadband connection. Access to email may be by dial-up or broadband connection, (or Webmail.)
Purpose of the code
The purpose of this code is to advise you of Pulse8’s philosophy, its range of services and how we can be contacted.
Pulse8’s philosophy
Pulse8’s philosophy is to provide straightforward internet and telephone access to our customers combining speed, reliability, and above all, simplicity. We also go to great lengths to give the best customer service and support and refuse wherever possible to sign our customers up to any long term contracts.
Range of services
Pulse8 provides internet access, telephone calls and line rental. The details of the products available, including methods of access, numbers of addresses, and tariffs for each service can be accessed via Pulse8’s website, our “homepage”).
Customer service
5.1 Our service
We provide internet and access via dial-up broadband and fibre services using the Openreach Network and our own equipment wherever possible to reduce costs.
We also provide line rental and calls via the Openreach network and our own equipment wherever possible to reduce line rental and calls costs.
5.2 New or additional services
Customers can sign up for new or additional services on-line via the homepage. New or enhanced services will be advised to customers by email.
5.3 Service or billing problems
If you have service or billing problems you can contact the company by phone, by email or by letter. Contact details are set out at point 9, below, and can be accessed via the homepage.
5.4 Cancelling your service
If you wish to terminate your agreement with us you may do so by calling the Customer Service department.
Contact details are set out at point 9.
Pulse8 may terminate your service in the following circumstances:
1. at any time for non-payment of any payment due;
2. at any time and with immediate effect (without refund) if you abuse or use the service for illegal purposes or if you breach our Terms and Conditions.
These can be accessed by visiting http://www.pulse8.co.uk or emailing
support@pulse8.co.uk or calling 0800 0428888 or by writing to us at the address given at point 9.
Full details regarding termination are also contained in our terms and conditions of service which can also be obtained on request as shown above.
5.5 Customer billing
We bill you in accordance with the terms that you sign up to for the service, i.e. monthly or annually. We send out invoices by email at least seven days ahead of the due date. Hard copy invoices are available by post, on request. All invoices are settled by Direct Debit with any failed payments being taken on either the next Direct Debit run or via BACS / Cheque payment from you if we deem it necessary.
Pulse8 will pursue all routes available to it to recover outstanding debt.
We will send out reminder letters to follow up outstanding invoices. We will send these by email to your address and by mail to the address we have in your account details. We may suspend your service at any time for non-payment. We may instruct solicitors to recover outstanding debt.
5.6 Service pricing
Pulse8’s policy is to price all products at a competitive rate for the service provided. Prices for each of our services are available via the www.pulse8.co.uk homepage.
5.7 Fault repairing
From time to time you may encounter problems with the service. This may be as a result of problems with our equipment or network, with equipment on your premises or the connection from your telecoms provider. If you experience a problem with the service you can contact our technical support service. They will establish with you the cause of the problem. They will repair the problem if it is with our equipment. They will advise you how to repair the equipment or software if it is on your premises or will suggest who you need to contact.
5.8 Complaints
If you have a complaint about the way we have handled any aspect of your account or the way you have been treated when contacting the technical support or customer service desks you may write detailing the nature of the complaint to:
Pulse8 Communications,
4, St. Bartholomew’s Road, Ogwell, Devon.
TQ12 6GP
5.9 Disputes
Where there is a dispute between us, which cannot be resolved, you have the right to refer the matter for arbitration. Pulse8 is a member of ISPA and has agreed to adopt the Ombudsman Service: Communications Scheme. This is a dispute resolution scheme connection by ISPA and operated through Ombudsman Services Ltd. Domestic and small business customers will not be charged for the cost of the arbitration for any dispute which is referred to Ombudsman Services. Contact details for ISPA and Ombudsman Services set out at paragraph 8. Contact details for the industry regulator, Ofcom, are also set out at paragraph 8.
In order to refer a complaint to Ombudsman Services you should go to the consumer area of ISPA website and complete the online complaints form, but you should be aware that you can only access the scheme eight weeks after a complaint has been lodged with Pulse8.
Customer rights
6.1 Data Protection and Privacy Policy
Pulse8 recognises the importance of your privacy. We use personal information that we collect from customers in accordance with strict procedures. We comply with the Data Protection Legislation and are registered with the Data Protection Registrar.
Full details of our privacy policy are available by emailing support@pulse8.co.uk or by writing to us.
6.2 Changes to our Privacy Policy
We may make changes to our Privacy Policy from time to time. Your continuing use of
Pulse8’s services indicates your agreement to the use of your personal information as set out in this Privacy Policy.
6.3 Terms and Conditions
Copies of the Terms and Conditions of service are available by emailing support@pulse8.co.uk or by writing to us.
6.4 Copies of this code
Copies of this code may be obtained by visiting http://www.pulse8.co.uk or by calling Pulse8 Support on 0800 0428888 or email us on support@pulse8.co.uk or by writing to us at the address in paragraph 9.
Spam and virus protection
We recognise that two of the biggest concerns customers have about email are the amount of spam they receive and the risk of reviewing a virus. We therefore recommend that you subscribe to Microsoft’s Security Essentials service which is free for to all Microsoft Customers or subscribe to a paid for Virus and Spam program or service from us or one of the main suppliers. Please contact us on 0800 0428888 or email support@pulse8.co.uk for our latest recommendations.
Social Responsibility
Pulse8 aims to adhere to the highest standards of behaviour as an ISP, both commercially and by way of social responsibility.
8.1 Industry Association Membership
We are members of various industry associations and aspects of our activities are regulated by industry organisations, as set out below.
8.1.1 ISPA
Pulse8 is a member of the Internet Services Providers’ Associant (ISPA UK). This body, established in 1995, promotes competition, self-regulation and development of the Internet industry. Membership of this Association is voluntary and by becoming a member of it we have agreed to abide by the ISPA UK code. The text of the code can be accessed through the ISPA UK website at www.ispa.org.uk.
8.1.1 Ombudsman Services: Communications
Pulse8 is a member of Ombudsman Services: Communications Scheme. Ombudsman Services provide customers of communications companies, such as Pulse8, with free, independent dispute resolution. Ombudsman Services has been approved by the UK
communications industry regulator, Ofcom. Details about Ombudsman Services can be found here www.ombudsman-services.org
8.2 Disabled customers
Pulse8 is aware of its legal and moral obligations to disabled customers. Copies of this code of practice in larger print are available by post from us. Our web developers are working continually to improve the accessibility of our sites to disabled customers.
Contact details
Calls may be monitored and recorded for training and quality assurance purposes.
email: support@pulse8.co.uk web: www.pulse8.co.uk
tel: 0800 0428888
4, St. Bartholomew’s Road,
TQ12 6GP
Contact details of other industry bodies are:
email: admin@ispa.org.uk web: www.ispa.org.uk
tel: 020 7233 7234
23 Palace Street,
Ombudsman Services: Communications web: https://www.ombudsman-services.org
tel: 0330 440 1614
Ombudsman Services:
3300 Daresbury Park, Darebury, Warrington, WA4 4HA
email: contact@ofcom.org.uk web: www.ofcom.org.uk
tel: 020 7981 3040
Ofcom Contact Centre,
Riverside House,
2a Southwark Bridge Road,
Approval and Review of Code
The maintenance of this code is the responsibility of Pulse8. It is Pulse8’s responsibility to review the code on a regular basis and to ensure that it reflects
Pulse8’s commitments to its customers and complies with Ofcom requirements.
If the code is updated to reflect a change in policy the updated version will be published on our website and can be accessed via the homepage.